Results for 'Asunción López-Varela Azcárate'

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  1.  95
    Intertextuality and Intermediality as Cross-cultural Comunication Tools: A Critical Inquiry.Asunción López-Varela Azcárate - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):7-22.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology Jahrgang: 8 Heft: 2 Seiten: 7-22.
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    Introduction: Performance, Medial Innovation and Culture.Asunción López-Varela Azcárate - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):7-12.
  3.  17
    The Impact of the Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe and Beyond.Asunción López-Varela Azcárate - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):11-27.
    What is the role of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the journey to the Fourth Industrial Revolution? What is the impact of these disciplines for the challenges the world faces, supposedly defined by a highly dynamic phase of industrial and social restructuring, where the adaptive capacity of societies needs to be enhanced by specific skills and techno-social dependencies? What is the role of SSH in building cognitive competences, and new professional paths? This paper, part of the special focus of (...)
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    Introduction.Asunción López-Varela Azcárate - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):7-9.
    What is the role of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the journey to the Fourth Industrial Revolution? What is the impact of these disciplines for the challenges the world faces, supposedly defined by a highly dynamic phase of industrial and social restructuring, where the adaptive capacity of societies needs to be enhanced by specific skills and techno-social dependencies? What is the role of SSH in building cognitive competences, and new professional paths? This paper, part of the special focus of (...)
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    Introduction.Jinghua Guo & Asunción López-Varela Azcárate - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):7-8.
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    A Call for Sustainable Actions: The Voice of Little Things in Tom McCarthy Micro-story “Mermaid Figurine”.Asun López-Varela Azcárate - 2023 - Cultura 20 (1):43-54.
    This paper reveals the importance of stories associated to specific objects. The study argues that storytelling can infuse life and meaning into insignificant things. From a semiotic point of view, material objects become signs linked to particular people, experiences, desires, values, thus creating strong emotional bonds with the landscapes part of human daily routines. Beyond fetishism or consumerism, these significant objects could serve the purpose of eco-critical awareness. Through the lenses of a micro-narrative by British novelist Tom McCarthy, attached to (...)
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    Introduction to Narratives of Sustainability in the Anthropocene. Interdisciplinary Dimensions.Asun López-Varela Azcárate - 2023 - Cultura 20 (1):7-13.
    This paper reveals the importance of stories associated to specific objects. The study argues that storytelling can infuse life and meaning into insignificant things. From a semiotic point of view, material objects become signs linked to particular people, experiences, desires, values, thus creating strong emotional bonds with the landscapes part of human daily routines. Beyond fetishism or consumerism, these significant objects could serve the purpose of eco-critical awareness. Through the lenses of a micro-narrative by British novelist Tom McCarthy, attached to (...)
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    Introduction to Semiotics of World Cultures.Asunción López-Varela - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):7-12.
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  9. Ser maestra desde un lugar propio: La autoridad en la educación.Asunción López Carretero - 2007 - Critica 57 (943):19-24.
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    Allegories of Imperialism: Barbarians and World Cultures.I.-Chun Wang & Asun López-Varela - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):7-16.
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    The world’s first mainly female cabinet: “The council of female ministers” in the Spanish cabinet (2018) on Twitter.Nuria López-Priego, Maria Luz Congosto & Asunción Bernárdez-Rodal - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):788-813.
    Abstract1 June 2018 marked a historic moment in Spanish politics, when the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español, PSOE) announced a cabinet with the largest proportion of female ministers in the world. This announcement received extensive coverage in the traditional media. The objective of this research was to measure whether the news had an equivalent impact on Twitter users. To this end, we analyzed the reaction to the appointments based on the popularity of the hashtags #GobiernoSanchez (“Sanchez Government”), (...)
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  12. El concepto de lo político en I. Berlin y C. Schmitt.María Asunción Gutiérrez López - 2003 - A Parte Rei 27:12.
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  13. Gandhi: las bases de argumentación de la no-violencia.María Asunción Gutiérrez López - 2003 - A Parte Rei 25:10.
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  14. Sobre la complejidad e influencias del pensamiento de K. Marx.María Asunción Gutiérrez López - 2003 - A Parte Rei 25:14.
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  15. Un comentario sobre La fábula de las abejas de Mandeville.María Asunción Gutiérrez López - 2002 - A Parte Rei 23:2.
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  16. Virginia Woolf, el fluir de la conciencia.María Asunción Gutiérrez López - 2000 - A Parte Rei 9:5.
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    Resolution of Algebraic Systems of Equations in the Variety of Cyclic Post Algebras.J. P. Díaz Varela & B. F. López Martinolich - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):307-330.
    There is a constructive method to define a structure of simple k -cyclic Post algebra of order p , L p , k , on a given finite field F ( p k ), and conversely. There exists an interpretation Φ 1 of the variety V(Lp,k){\mathcal{V}(L_{p,k})} generated by L p , k into the variety V(F(pk)){\mathcal{V}(F(p^k))} generated by F ( p k ) and an interpretation Φ 2 of V(F(pk)){\mathcal{V}(F(p^k))} into V(Lp,k){\mathcal{V}(L_{p,k})} such that Φ 2 Φ 1 ( B ) (...)
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  18. Análisis crítico Del diseño factorial 2k sobre casos aplicados.Pedro Daniel Medina Varela & Angela Maria Lopez Reyes - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    Resolution of Algebraic Systems of Equations in the Variety of Cyclic Post Algebras.Jp Díaz Varela & Bf López Martinolich - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):307-330.
    There is a constructive method to define a structure of simple k-cyclic Post algebra of order p, L p,κ, on a given finite field F, and conversely. There exists an interpretation Ф₁ of the variety V generated by L p,κ into the variety V) generated by F and an interpretation Ф₂ of V) into V such that Ф₂Ф₁ = B for every B ϵ V and Ф₁₂ = R for every R ϵ V). In this paper we show how we (...)
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    Active Methodologies in Higher Education: Perception and Opinion as Evaluated by Professors and Their Students in the Teaching-Learning Process.Emilio Crisol-Moya, María Asunción Romero-López & María Jesús Caurcel-Cara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The NeOn Methodology framework: A scenario-based methodology for ontology development.Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Asunción Gómez-Pérez & Mariano Fernández-López - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (2):107-145.
    This paper describes a scenario-based methodology called the NeOn Methodology framework. The aim of this framework is to speed up the construction of ontologies and ontology networks by reu...
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    Health technologist in clinical laboratory’s professional training model from the integration of basic biomedical-laboratory sciences.Mercedes Caridad García González, Enrique Loret de Mola López, Rolando Miguel Bermejo Correa, José Luis Cadenas Freixas & Humberto Silvio Varela de Moya - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):239-257.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo está dirigido a exponer elementos inherentes al modelo de superación profesional del tecnólogo de la salud en laboratorio clínico desde la integración ciencias básicas biomédicas-laboratorio. Entre los métodos teóricos empleados, el analítico-sintético permitió la determinación de los fundamentos epistemológicos y praxiológicos del proceso de superación, el inductivo-deductivo posibilitó la determinación de las categorías que surgen en el proceso investigativo, el sistémico estructural funcional para fundamentar el carácter de sistema del modelo y la modelación con la finalidad (...)
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    López quintás, Alfonso: La ética O es transfiguración O no es Nada, Bac, madrid, 2014, 871p.Marcelino Agís Villaverde & Alba Iglesias Varela - 2017 - Agora 36 (1).
    La propuesta que nos hace Alfonso López Quintás, catedrático emérito de filosofía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y uno de los grandes pensadores españoles, en La ética o es transfiguración o no es nada, es la de emprender un camino de crecimiento personal. Forma parte esencial de nuestra existencia el crecimiento en una doble vertiente: biológica y espiritual. El crecimiento natural impone sus propios límites, a través de unas reglas que limitan nuestra vida. Sin embargo, los límites de (...)
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  24. " La ética en la espiral de la modernidad", de Asunción Herrera Guevara.Inmaculada Pérez López - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):231-234.
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    Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad.Martin López Corredoira - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 13 (7).
    Belandria, Margarita Artículos La labor del filósofo The philosopher's paper Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en (...)
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    Armando Hart y sus claves metodológicas para la enseñanza del marxismo.Yenisey López-Cruz & Lídice Duany-Destrade - 2023 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 35:281-302.
    Armando Hart Dávalos (1930-2017) fue uno de los intelectuales que reconoció la validez del marxismo cuando el mundo hablaba de su “crisis”. Realizó valoraciones sobre los errores cometidos en la asunción de esta teoría. Además confirmó su utilidad para formar individuos con un pensamiento crítico capaces de cuestionar el mundo contemporáneo. Sus reflexiones son válidas para interpretar y transformar los complejos escenarios sociales que caracterizan la realidad. A pesar de ser distinguido como uno de los marxistas más lúcidos, no (...)
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  27. Estudios de filosofía del derecho.Carlos Azcarate Y. Rosell - 1943 - La Habana,: J. Montero.
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  28. Pluralidad de la filosofía analítica.María Ponte Azcárate, David Pérez Chico & Moisés Barroso Ramos - 2007 - In David P. Chico & Moisés Barroso Ramos, Pluralidad de la filosofía analítica. México: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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  29. Michael Dummett: una defensa del anti-realismo en las matemáticas.María Ponte Azcárate - 2001 - Laguna 9:151-162.
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    Secularidad y enseñanza de la religión en España.Juan Luis de León Azcárate, Francisco José Ruiz Pérez & Luzio Uriarte González - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (309):651-677.
    La relación entre el fenómeno religioso y el marco de la secularidad o la postsecularidad se hace presente en el ámbito de la escuela pública y, en cierta medida, reproduce las tensiones que tiene la sociedad a la hora de situar esa relación. El objetivo de este texto es presentar y valorar esa relación en el caso español, el cual posee un modelo de tipo confesional de la enseñanza de la religión en la escuela pública. La descripción del modelo debe (...)
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  31. El pensamiento pedagógico de Balmes.Carmelo Garrochategi Azcárate - forthcoming - Espíritu: Cuadernos Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana.
  32.  22
    La Biblia y la evangelización del Nuevo Mundo durante el siglo XVI.Juan Luis de León Azcárate - 2015 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 32 (32):195-227.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es mostrar algunos ejemplos del papel fundamental que tuvo la Biblia en la evangelización del Nuevo Mundo durante el siglo XVI. Tres aspectos serán estudiados aquí: 1) el intento inicial de traducir los textos bíblicos a las lenguas indígenas, finalmente frustrado; 2) la importancia de la Sagrada Escritura para dilucidar las estrategias políticas y religiosas a seguir con respecto al Nuevo Mundo, ejemplarizada en la cita de Lc 14,23; 3) los temas bíblicos en el teatro (...)
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    (1 other version)De los metarrelatos a la" muerte de los intelectuales".Mora García & José Pascual - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 7 (13).
    The philosopher's paper Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and (...)
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  34. Beuchot, Mauricio: Derechos Humanos: Historia y Filosofía.Javier Gonzalez - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 13 (7).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method (...)
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    La creatio ex nihilo Y sus implicaciones fenomenológicas en Levinas.Gustavo Víctor Ramírez - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 7 (13).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method (...)
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  36. Friedrich Nietzsche. 1844-1900.Josef Simon - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 13 (7).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method (...)
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    Comprehension of Generalized Conversational Implicatures by Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.Gemma Pastor-Cerezuela, Juan C. Tordera Yllescas, Francisco González-Sala, Maite Montagut-Asunción & María-Inmaculada Fernández-Andrés - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:344660.
    This study evaluates the comprehension of generalized conversational implicatures (GCI) in children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD), using a GCI test constructed based on the Levinson model, which distinguishes between three types of implicatures: type Q (or scalar: “what is not referred to does not occur”); type I (“by default, it is not necessary to say what can be assumed”); and type M (“if someone is expressing something in a not very simple or marked way, it is because (...)
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    Democracy and Disenfranchisement: The Morality of Electoral Exclusions.Claudio López-Guerra - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    The denial of voting rights to certain types of persons continues to be a moral problem of practical significance. The disenfranchisement of persons with mental impairments, minors, noncitizen residents, nonresident citizens, and criminal offenders is a matter of controversy. This book makes a contribution to this largely neglected yet key topic.
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  39. A Structural Explanation of Injustice in Conversations: It's about Norms.Saray Ayala-López - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4):726-748.
    In contrast to individualistic explanations of social injustice that appeal to implicit attitudes, structural explanations are unintuitive: they appeal to entities that lack clear ontological status, and the explanatory mechanism is similarly unclear. This makes structural explanations unappealing. The present work proposes a structural explanation of one type of injustice that happens in conversations, discursive injustice. This proposal meets two goals. First, it satisfactorily accounts for the specific features of this particular kind of injustice; and second, it articulates a structural (...)
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  40.  22
    Intruders in The Mind: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Thought Insertion.P. López-Silva & T. McClelland (eds.) - 2023 - Oxford University Press.
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    Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute.Daniel Andrés López - 2019 - BRILL.
    In Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute, Daniel Andrés López reassembles Lukács’s philosophy of praxis on a Hegelian basis, as a conceptual-historical totality, both defending him and proposing an unprecedented, immanent critique that raises problems for Marxian philosophy as a whole.
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  42. Explaining Injustice: Structural Analysis, Bias, and Individuals.Saray Ayala López & Erin Beeghly - 2020 - In Erin Beeghly & Alex Madva, An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 211-232.
    Why does social injustice exist? What role, if any, do implicit biases play in the perpetuation of social inequalities? Individualistic approaches to these questions explain social injustice as the result of individuals’ preferences, beliefs, and choices. For example, they explain racial injustice as the result of individuals acting on racial stereotypes and prejudices. In contrast, structural approaches explain social injustice in terms of beyond-the-individual features, including laws, institutions, city layouts, and social norms. Often these two approaches are seen as competitors. (...)
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    Choice of Musical Instruments: Gender Differences.Myriam González-Limón, Asunción Rodríguez-Ramos & Irene Malia Pérez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1-15.
    Current research has focused on gender as a conditioning factor in students’ study choices, highlighting the existence of gender stereotypes associated with these choice. The general objective of this article is to analyse if there are differences based on sex in the choice of musical instruments in music conservatories. The methodology used is quantitative. We have analysed the data on enrolment in the different instrumental specialities of two public music conservatories in Seville (Spain) at the three levels of music education: (...)
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    COVID-19 Confinement and Health Risk Behaviors in Spain.Rubén López-Bueno, Joaquín Calatayud, José Casaña, José A. Casajús, Lee Smith, Mark A. Tully, Lars L. Andersen & Guillermo F. López-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The World Health Organization has declared a world pandemic due to COVID-19. In response, most affected countries have enacted measures involving compulsory confinement and restrictions on free movement, which likely influence citizens' lifestyles. This study investigates changes in health risk behaviors with duration of confinement. An online cross-sectional survey served to collect data about the Spanish adult population regarding health behaviors during the first 3 weeks of confinement. A large sample of participants from all Spanish regions completed the survey. Binomial (...)
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    Equilibria with vector-valued utilities and preference information. The analysis of a mixed duopoly.Amparo M. Mármol, Luisa Monroy, M. Ángeles Caraballo & Asunción Zapata - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):365-383.
    This paper deals with the equilibria of games when the agents have multiple objectives and, therefore, their utilities cannot be represented by a single value, but by a vector containing the various dimensions of the utility. Our approach allows the incorporation of partial information about the preferences of the agents into the model, and permits the identification of the set of equilibria in accordance with this information. We also propose an additional conservative criterion which can be applied in this framework (...)
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  46. Foreigners and Inclusion in Academia.Saray Ayala-López - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (2):325-342.
    This article discusses the category of foreigner in the context of academia. In the first part I explore this category and its philosophical significance. A quick look at the literature reveals that this category needs more attention in analyses of dimensions of privilege and disadvantage. Foreignness has peculiarities that demarcate it from other categories of identity, and it intersects with them in complicated ways. Devoting more attention to it would enable addressing issues affecting foreigners in academia that go commonly unnoticed. (...)
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    Enfranchising Minors and the Mentally Impaired.Claudio López-Guerra - 2012 - Social Theory and Practice 38 (1):115-138.
    This article advances three claims. The first is that the standard instrumentalist case for minimal age and sanity requirements for voting is weak and inconclusive in such a way that the evaluation of such requirements should be made exclusively on the basis of procedural fairness considerations. The second claim is that fairness requires the inclusion of all and only those persons who have the franchise capacity: the minimum necessary cognitive and moral powers to experience the benefits of enfranchisement. The third (...)
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    Food democracy: possibilities under the frame of the current food system.Marta López Cifuentes & Christina Gugerell - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1061-1078.
    Food democracy is a concept with growing influence in food research. Food democracy deals with how actors may regain democratic control over the food system enabling its sustainable transformation. Following multi-level perspective framework's connotations, food democracy research has so far mainly focused on the niche level of the food system. An integrative approach that includes the perspectives of both the regime and the niche is still missing. This study addresses this research gap and proposes a new conceptual framework for food (...)
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    La inversión migratoria en Europa.Juan A. Cebrián, María Isabel Bodega & María Asunción Martín Lou - 2008 - Arbor 184 (734):1129-1146.
    Tras una extensa introducción para enmarcar el fenómeno descrito, el artículo aborda el problema de las fuentes estadísticas para el estudio de los procesos migratorios internacionales, la incidencia de la inmigración actual en la dinámica demográfica europea, los aspectos más sobresalientes de los nuevos mercados de trabajo y las líneas previsibles de la política migratoria de la Unión Europea a corto y medio plazo. El artículo refleja la importancia relativa de la inmigración española en lo que va de siglo XXI, (...)
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    A note on ontology localization.Philipp Cimiano, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Paul Buitelaar, Mauricio Espinoza & Asunción Gómez-Pérez - 2010 - Applied ontology 5 (2):127-137.
    We revisit the notion of ontology localization, propose a new definition and clearly specify the layers of an ontology that can be affected by the process of localizing it. We also work out a numbe...
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